Selasa, 26 Juni 2012

Kue Klepon (Klepon Cake)

Klepon is one of  favorite meal in Bali specially in rural area like Beraban village. Klepon become unique cake because this meal usually not always available every day except there are some order from customer or some event like custom ceremony or other religious event.

But in Tanah Lot Tourism Object, merchant of klepon always available every day. Most of them usually from Beraban village and surrounding. And the merchant usually women who can make this cake. Cause domestic visitor or foreigner usually like this cake very much. The excellence of klepon lay on its form and its taste. Cause inside of klepon there are sugar, in Balinese people called “Gula Bali” which cause that sweet tasty.

Klepon made from rice powder mixed with starch powder. And for green color of klepon is made from a kind of leaf in bali that’s called “daun kayu sugih” or a kind of colourant special from meal and beverages, and “gula bali” for it sweet tasty which included inside of klepon.

In bali klepon usually complete with coconut which have been grated, for decoration above this cake. With green color of klepon and white color of coconut, making this cake very attractive and bewitching to be tried.

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